Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Drastic Cuts In America's Nuclear Arsenal Expected

President Obama wants to cut the estimated 5,500 nuclear warheads the U.S. has stockpiled by about half, an official said. Miller/News

President Obama Eyes Cut In U.S. Nuclear Weapons Arsenal -- New York Daily News

WASHINGTON - President Obama is moving forward with plans to reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal, a senior administration official said Monday.

Obama wants to cut the estimated 5,500 nuclear warheads the U.S. has stockpiled by about half, the official said.

"It would set an example for nuclear countries and for countries that are considering going nuclear," the official explained.

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More News On Cuts In America's Nuclear Arsenal

FY 2011 Threat Reduction and Nonproliferation Funding -- Center For Arms Control
Living up to nuclear expectations -- The Guardian
Is Obama's Vision of Nukes-Free World Naive? -- Spiegel Online
No first nuke? -- BBC
Implications of US Nuclear Reduction -- Khaleej Times
Changing the Nuclear Posture: moving smartly without leaping -- FAS Strategic Security Blog

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