Friday, March 5, 2010

Getting Ready For An Argentina Invasion

Falklands Islands soldiers on patrol. "I would feel sorry for anyone coming against us," says the unit's commanding officer.

Falklands Defence Force Better Equipped Than Ever, Says Commanding Officer -- Times Online

Darkness is falling. On a moor behind Stanley, eight camouflaged figures, grass in their helmets and assault rifles in their hands, advance stealthily across the boggy ground. Suddenly there is a shout: “Contact front!” A flare lights up the night sky. A smoke grenade explodes. The column divides, takes cover and re-forms.

This is not another Argentine invasion; it is the Falkland Islands’ “army”, in training to deter another such incursion. The Argentinians would encounter far stiffer resistance today than they did in 1982, says Major Peter Biggs, its commanding officer and a sixth-generation islander. “I would feel sorry for anyone who came up against us.”

Read more ....

My Comment: A few thousand Falklanders against millions of Argentinians .... yeah right.


Marcase said...

Well, the Argies should not kid themselves. The Falklands campaign is on of *the* most re-played, re-enacted and over-analised wars in the British armed forces, with many-many "what if" and "do different" scenarios. Unlike back in the '80s, there are dozens of contingency plans ready.

WNU Editor said...

Thank you Marcase for your comment.

You are probably right .... but still ....