Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is The Obama Administration Pursuing Regime Change In Israel?

Barack Obama met the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office Photo: Getty

Angry White House Seeks To 'Modify' Israeli Regime -- The Telegraph

President Barack Obama's team hope to push Right-wing premier Benjamin Netanyahu into a coalition which will put peace talks on track.

It is an hour or two before the Sabbath, and customers spill out of Gershon Hickmann's small grocery shop in Ramat Shlomo dressed in the sober costume of Hasidic Jewry and clutching bags crammed with loaves of challah bread for their Friday evening meals.

Despite the utilitarianism of the East Jerusalem suburb's homes, there is a sense of timelessness, born of the settlement's religious devotion and semi-rural setting.

Read more ....

My Comment: When I read this article I said to myself that no U.S. administration is that stupid to contemplate putting their nose into Israeli politics. Sighhhh .... but considering how mess up this White House's foreign policy is, nothing will surprise me.

We will learn more this week when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu meets President Obama. My prediction .... this is not going to be a pleasant meeting.

1 comment:

Ron said...

The Bush 41 administration has actively worked to dispose of (and successfully so) the Shamir government.

The Clinton administration has actively supported the governments of Peres (unsuccessfully, replaced by Netanyahu) and later the defeat of Netanyahu (replaced by Barak).

The US has a long history of meddling in Israeli domestic politics. In the two prominent successful cases the result is a brutal wave of Palestinian terror.

I can imagine that the result will be similar if Obama will be successful crowning Livni.