Friday, March 12, 2010

Japan Permitted US Nuclear Weapons To Pass Through Their Country

Japan Permitted U.S. Navy Nukes. And How! -- The Scoop Deck

Here’s a report for the “water = wet” and “sun likely to rise tomorrow” file — the Japanese government this week publicly confirmed for the first time that it permitted visits by U.S. warships carrying nuclear weapons back in the bad old days, despite the official Japanese prohibition on nuclear arms.

The admission is part of a domestic political situation:

Read more ....

Hat Tip: New Wars

My Comment: The worst kept secret in Japanese-US relations is now out in the open. Predictably .... no one is surprised by this news .... and with the exception of a few in the media and in the political/punditry class, no one cares anymore.

Update: Tokyo's Long-Held Secrets Coming Out -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World

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