Thursday, March 4, 2010

Politically Correct Killing? -- A Commentary From Victor Davis Hansen

Photo from the Wall Street Journal

From National Review:

The increase in targeted killings makes urgent the need for Obama to clarify his whole anti-terrorism policy.

By all accounts, President Obama has vastly increased the number of Predator drone strikes during his 13 months in office and expanded the theater of missile operations by thousands of square miles. Indeed, since inauguration day, 2009, Predator and Reaper drone attacks may have killed over 500 suspected terrorists in Waziristan and Pakistan.

Read more ....

My Comment:
One has to remember what CIA Director Panetta said a few months in reference to drone strikes .... it is the only game in town. With Pakistan refusing US Special Forces or CIA strike teams into the country, the only other choice is spies and targeted killings.

Are these killings "politically correct?" .... for the moment that is the perception and people are accepting it.

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