Saturday, March 13, 2010

Russia Remains Loyal To India. Will Not Form Any Military Arrangement With Pakistan

DIVERSIFYING TIES: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, exchange notes after delegation-level talks in New Dehli. Photo from The Hindu

Russia Against Developing Military Ties With Pakistan -- RIA Novosti

Russia is not developing military cooperation with Pakistan, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"I would like to stress that Russia is not maintaining military cooperation with Pakistan as it takes into account the concerns of [our] Indian partners," Putin said after a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

In the 1990s, Pakistan was the chief purchaser of T-80UD tanks produced by Ukraine.

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My Comment: What a difference between U.S. policy in the region, and Russian policy in the region. The US gives billions in military aid to Pakistan, alienating India .... in response India gives billions to Russia, purchasing their weapon systems and other products.

The Pakistan Government responds not only with contempt to US policy, but is active in playing a double game with extremist Taliban and Al Qaeda cells in Afghanistan that are targeting US troops. The Indian Government embraces Russian friendship, and makes a commitment for stronger and better ties in the future.

From where I am standing .... I would have to say that the US is getting the short end of this stick.

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