Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Somalia War News Updates -- March 9, 2010

U.S. Aiding Somalia in Its Plan to Retake Its Capital -- New York Times

MOGADISHU, Somalia — The Somali government is preparing a major offensive to take back this capital block by crumbling block, and it takes just a listen to the low growl of a small surveillance plane circling in the night sky overhead to know who is surreptitiously backing that effort.

“It’s the Americans,” said Gen. Mohamed Gelle Kahiye, the new chief of Somalia’s military, who said he recently shared plans about coming military operations with American advisers. “They’re helping us.”

Read more ....

More News On Somalia

U.S. aims to help Somalia reclaim capital -- UPI
US military may back Somali govt offensive: report -- AFP
U.S. aiding Somalia for major offensive to retake its capital -- One India
US to engage in 'hit and run' war in Somalia -- Press TV
US 'may back Somali offensive' -- Al Jazeera

France seizes 35 Somali 'pirates' -- BBC
France claims biggest haul of pirates off Somalia -- AFP
EU navies to go on offensive against pirates -- Stras And Stripes

Canada lists Somalia's Shebab as a terrorist group -- AFP
Somali group added to terrorist list -- CBC
Canada adds al-Shabab to its terrorist list -- Globe And Mail
Somalia: The Lord Will Provide -- Strategy Page

Life Inside Somalia’s Bunker Government -- Foreign Policy

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