Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Will Terrorists Start To Use Drones Against Us?

MQ-9 Reaper USAF

Drones And Terrorism -- American Thinker

Combat drones are much in the news these days. Such weapons constitute the major current focus of effort against organized jihadi terrorism, with nearly weekly strikes carried out in the unassimilated areas of northern Pakistan and the Taliban-occupied districts of Afghanistan, along with less frequent strikes elsewhere.

Drones have compiled an impressive record, taking out a number of high-ranking al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, many of whom likely believed that they were perfectly safe until that persistent whining sound started getting louder. The MQ-1 Predator has achieved the status of legend, with the MQ-9 Reaper not far behind. New models, such as the so-called Beast of Kandahar, evidently a high-speed stealth model, are beginning to enter combat.

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My Comment: Forget about terrorists using drones to target airliners or an expensive military target .... a drone attack against the White House, Congress, or a Presidential motorcade may create no casualties .... but the propaganda earned from such an attack will be priceless.

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