Monday, March 15, 2010

Why Is The US Revealing The Identities Of CIA Interrogators To Gitmo Detainees

U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald. Stephen J. Carrera/Reuter

Justice, CIA Clash Over Probe Of Interrogator IDs -- Washington Times

At odds over photos shown to detainees at Gitmo.

The CIA and Justice Department are fighting over a secret investigation into a controversial program by legal supporters of Islamist terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay that involved photographing CIA interrogators and showing the pictures to prisoners, an effort CIA officials say threatens the officers' lives.

The dispute prompted a meeting Tuesday at CIA headquarters between U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald and senior CIA counterintelligence officials. It is the latest battle between the agency and the department over detainees and interrogations of terrorists.

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My Comment: If one ever wanted an example of what is a political fishing expedition, this is a case study. What is worse, is that the lives of CIA agents and their families are now at risk by giving a heads up to many on the identities of who are these officers.

What a contrast from a few years ago when the Valerie Plame affair broke out during the Bush Administration. For years we heard about how her identity was revealed by the White House .... a non story that was repeated continuously by many in the media and pundit class. Now that we have a verifiable and true story of CIA identities being openly revealed to some of the enemy .... we now have silence with the exception of the odd story from the main stream media, and from the blogger community.

One interesting side note .... the man who was involved with the Plame affair is also the same man who is now involved in this case .... U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

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