Thursday, March 4, 2010

With Hindsight, Would President Bush Have Invaded Iraq?

Karl Rove And President Bush

Rove on Iraq: Without W.M.D. Threat, Bush Wouldn’t Have Gone to War -- New York Times

Karl Rove, the chief political adviser to President George W. Bush and architect of his two successful campaigns for the White House, says in a new memoir that his former boss probably would not have invaded Iraq had he known there were no weapons of mass destruction there.

Mr. Rove adamantly rejects allegations that the administration deliberately lied about the presence of weapons in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. But he acknowledges that the failure to find them badly damaged Mr. Bush’s presidency, and he blames himself for not countering the narrative that “Bush lied,” calling it “one of the biggest mistakes of the Bush years.”

Read more ....

More On Karl Rove

Rove admits to error on Iraq as Bush strategist -- AP
Ultimate Bush Insider Lifts Veil on Presidency -- New York Times
Rove book admits to Bush-era mistakes -- UPI
Bush Did Not Intentionally Mislead U.S. on Iraqi WMD, Ex-Adviser Says -- Global Security Newswire
Rove admits to error on Iraq as Bush strategist -- Forbes/AP
Karl Rove Admits Mistake in Advising Bush on Iraq Invasion Response -- Politics Daily

My Comment: With hindsight .... he probably would not have invaded Iraq. Then again .... we will never really truly know.

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