Sunday, March 21, 2010

World News Briefs -- March 21, 2010 (Evening Edition)

House Leaders Announce Impasse-Breaking Deal On Abortion Funding -- Washington Post

President Obama, rallying last-minute support for landmark health-care legislation nearing a crucial vote in the House, announced Sunday that he will issue an executive order after passage attesting that the bill is consistent with longstanding restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortions.

The arrangement won the support of a key bloc of anti-abortion House Democrats, whose leader, Rep. Bart Stupak D-Mich.), said at a news conference, "I'm pleased to announce we have an agreement."

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Allawi leads Iraq vote, Maliki asks for recount.

Netanyahu hits defiant note ahead of visit with Obama. Iranian leader accuses US of plotting against Iran .

UN chief says Gaza suffering under Israeli blockade.

Ahmadinejad promises 'better news' for New Iranian Year.

Exchanges of fire along Gaza border continue as 16 Palestinians wounded. Israeli military kills Palestinian after fight over West Bank well.

Dubai assassination spotlights top cop skills in a modern-day Casablanca.

Turkey plays down Armenian expulsion threat.


Officials: US missiles kill 4 in NW Pakistan.

Pakistan tribal council: Army must destroy Taliban. Clashes leave 54 dead in NW Pakistan.

North Korea spurns UN push to stop executions and torture.

Sandstorm sweeps into Beijing.


Somali Islamist al-Shabab commander assassinated.

US: Shooting at Somali pirates works.

Senior Shabaab commander killed in Somali South.

South Africa marks 50th anniversary of massacre.


Nicolas Sarkozy's Union for a Popular Movement thrashed in regional elections.

Another Mossad assassination, this time in Hungary?

Thousands rally against Putin, dozens detained.

France offers to join forces with UK's nuclear submarine fleet.

Sarkozy faces heavy defeat in French regional poll.

Strike cancels thousands of British Airways flights.

Trouble in Sochi: Russia's mounting Olympic problems.

Volcano erupts in Iceland; hundreds evacuated.


Mexico's drug war takes growing toll on Americans.

With cheap food imports, Haiti can't feed itself.

Colombian rebels kidnap five oil contractors.

A satirical site skewers Chávez and politics.


BBC - Generation Jihad - Ep2 - (Part 1 of 6) (Video)

Domestic militants harder to profile: experts.

Jihad Jane case suggests rising threat from online 'jihobbyists'.

Osama bin Laden's son slams Qaida, says family doing well in Iran.


Asia's drive for free trade.

State-owned banks: The future of banking?

Federal reserve must disclose bank bailout records.

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