Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yemen 's Troubles Continue

Yemen's 15 Minutes of Fame -- Foreign Policy

The world's attention may have moved on since January, but that doesn't mean the country's problems have disappeared.

Remember Yemen? For a few short weeks this winter, after the Yemen-trained Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried (and failed) to blow up a commercial airliner in Detroit, the troubled country found itself under a rare media spotlight. Journalists descended on the capital, Sanaa; pundits offered advice for fighting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ending Yemen's two insurgencies. Congress called hearings. Yemen's foreign minister, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, was a regular guest on international news networks.

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More News on Yemen

Hard tasks ahead as Yemen truce holds -- AFP
U.S. supports Yemeni terrorism fight -- UPI
U.S. Gives Yemen Arms, Development to Fight Al-Qaeda -- Business Week
Yemen Finally Admits al Qaeda Strike Killed 47 Civilians -- Jawa Report
Separatist leader killed in south Yemen -- AFP
Yemen raid kills southern activist, family -- AP
Religious schools under scrutiny in Yemen -- Reuters
Aid Programs In Northern Yemen Under Threat -- Voice of America
Former South Yemen leader says unity failed - report -- Reuters
ANALYSIS - Yemen truce a respite, war may spiral again -- Reuters

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