Friday, April 2, 2010

Afghanistan War News Updates -- April 2, 2010

VILLAGE VOICES - Afghan National Army Capt. Momand Ashaqullah speaks with a Pirkoti village resident in Paktika province, Afghanistan, March 26, 2010. Afghan and U.S. soldiers assigned to the 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment were in the village to establish relationships with village residents. U.S. Army Photo by Pfc. Christopher McKenna

Three German Soldiers Killed In Series Of Taleban Attacks In Afghanistan -- Times Online

Three German soldiers were killed and up to eight seriously wounded during a series of violent attacks in northern Afghanistan.

The Bundeswehr confirmed that three troops were killed in Char Dara district of Kunduz province, which has grown increasingly violent in recent months.

When German troops first deployed in Afghanistan in 2002 the north was seen as the safest part of the country. But the insurgency has gained pace there as US and Nato forces heap pressure on the Taleban’s traditional heartlands in the east and the south.

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More News On Afghanistan

German soldiers killed in Afghanistan clashes -- BBC
Three German soldiers killed in Afghan ambush: official -- AFP
3 German soldiers killed in Afghan fighting -- AP
UK troops suffer in Sangin, the most dangerous place in Afghanistan -- Times Online
British forces seize Taliban boss of 'bomb alley' -- The Independent
U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan in First Quarter of 2010 More Than Double Those for 2009 -- CNS News
Security developments in Afghanistan, April 2 -- Reuters

Afghan parliament rejects Karzai takeover of vote panel -- McClatchy News
Afghan President Rebukes West and U.N. -- New York Times
Karzai Blames Foreigners for Afghan Vote Fraud -- Voice of America
Karzai rails against foreign presence, accuses West of engineering voter fraud -- Washington Post
Afghan president blames Western officials for election fraud -- L.A. Times

"Kandahar offensive to be cornerstone of US effort" -- DAWN
Army moves troops, gear from Iraq to Afghanistan -- USA Today
The Marine 'mayor' v. the Marjah pro-Taliban mawlawi -- McClatchy News
2009 saw increase in opium seizures in Afghanistan -- USA Today
DEA official says Afghan opium seizures soared in '09 -- Washington Times
Pentagon boosting Afghanistan 'eyes in the sky' -- Yahoo News/Reuters

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