Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Example That Illustrates What Is Wrong In Africa

US Names Two Guinea-Bissau Military Men 'Drug Kingpins' -- BBC

The US has accused two senior military men from Guinea-Bissau of drug running.

Air force head Ibraima Papa Camara and former navy chief Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto have been named "drug kingpins".

Under the Drug Kingpin Act, financial sanctions have been imposed on the two men and US citizens are barred from doing business with them.

Guinea-Bissau is a major transit point for cocaine smuggled from Latin America to Europe, and last week suffered an apparent army coup attempt.

Read more ....

My Comment: When your leaders .... who are suppose to uphold the law and constitution are themselves breaking it .... the end result will always be corruption and a slow disintegration of authority.

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