Thursday, April 8, 2010

Indi And China To Set Up A Hotline To Ease Tensions

Photo from The BBC

India, China Set Up Hotline To Ease Border Dispute -- Christian Science Monitor

India, China ended four days of high-level talks in Beijing on Thursday with an agreement to set up a hotline between prime ministers, to better avoid flare-ups over a longstanding border dispute.

Only months after reported border incursions sparked anger across the Himalayas, India and China sought to strengthen diplomatic ties during “cordial” four-day talks in Beijing which ended Thursday.

Perhaps the most constructive outcome of the meeting – the highest-level visit from India since Indian elections a year ago – was the agreement to set up a hot line between their prime ministers. This would allow them to connect more easily and reduce the likelihood of flare-ups over long-running disputes.

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My Comment: This is long ... long overdue.

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