Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is Wikileaks Video Accurate Or "Doctored"?

This frame grab image, taken from a video posted at, shows a group of men in the streets of the New Baghdad with weapons just prior to being fired upon by a U.S. Army Apache helicopter July 12, 2007. (FNC)

Military Raises Questions About Credibility of Leaked Iraq Shooting Video --

WikiLeaks, the self-proclaimed "whistle-blowing" investigative Web site, released a classified military video Monday that it says shows the "indiscriminate slaying" of innocent Iraqis. Two days later, questions linger about just how much of the story WikiLeaks decided to tell.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- WikiLeaks, the self-proclaimed "whistle-blowing" investigative Web site, released a classified military video Monday that it says shows the "indiscriminate slaying" of innocent Iraqis. Two days later, questions linger about just how much of the story WikiLeaks decided to tell.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have always been a fan of Wikileaks. I have used it on numerous occasions, and I find it an invaluable resource to obtain information that one cannot get anywhere else.

But in this case they have failed miserably and have hurt their credibility in the short term. It is obvious that the video has been edited, and one can only assume that the reason why was that it would only undercut the message that they are trying to promote.

Other bloggers and writers have already written extensively on the discrepancies that they see in this Wikileaks reporting, and kudos to them for not taking at face value what many in the main stream media have accepted "hook line and sinker".

My favorite three websites are the following ....

'Collateral Murder' in Baghdad Anything But -- Weekly Standard
U.S. Army Killings in Iraq: Collateral Murder? -- Captain's Journal
The Wikileaks Video -- Blackfive

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