Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life In The Gaza Strip. Good For Some, Horrible For Most

Hamas Imposes New Gaza Taxes To Pay For Burgeoning Bureaucracy -- The Guardian

Taxes even levied on smuggle goods as Gaza's rulers unable to cover pay for 30,000 staff three years into Israeli blockade

Hamas has begun to raise new taxes in Gaza in an apparent effort to shore up their coffers – as the economy of the small, overcrowded strip of land descends into a vast and often unfathomable parallel market.

Read more ....

More News On Life In The Gaza Strip

Hamas in Gaza takes steps to carry out executions
-- AP
Hamas move on Gaza banks fuels banker concerns -- Reuters
Gaza tunnel smugglers trade in new cars -- BBC
Gaza Smugglers Import New Cars -- Arutz Sheva
Russia hopes Israel will lift blockade on Gaza Strip -- RIA Novosti
Four Gaza factions halt rocket fire, in bow to Hamas -- Haaretz
Israel allows commercial goods into blockaded Gaza -- AP
Gaza insecurity causes more early marriages -- Xinhuanet
Israel Destroys Gaza Dairy For Second Time -- Counter Currents
Israel tanks penetrate into Al-Qararah town S. Gaza Strip -- Yemen News Agency
Israel using Facebook as 'spying tool' in Gaza -- The Register
Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (01-07 April 2010) -- Relief Web

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