Friday, April 2, 2010

A New U.S. Nuclear Posture Under Presidnt Obama?

A USAF Stealth bomber fires a 'bunker buster', the latest variant of the B61

Obama Set To Reject ‘Nuclear Posture’ On Eve Of Start Deal With Russia -- Times Online

President Obama will rewrite America’s policy on nuclear weapons next week, heralding further reductions in the US stockpile and giving a pledge not to develop new systems.

After a review of the nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal that has involved, among others, the Pentagon, the Department of Energy and the intelligence services, as well as the White House, Mr Obama is expected to reject the doctrine on nuclear weapons — the “nuclear posture” — adopted by George W. Bush, which included the possibility of the United States launching an attack on a non-nuclear state.

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My Comment: Will Congress sign onto this new policy .... I have my doubts. With many Democrats believing that they are in trouble with the upcoming November elections, revising US nuclear strategy will probably be at the bottom of their priority list.

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