Thursday, April 15, 2010

President Obama: “Whether We Like It Or Not, We Remain A Dominant Military Superpower”

Obama: America a Superpower 'Whether We Like It or Not' --

In a little-noticed remark at the close of the two-day nuclear security summit in Washington, D.C., this week, President Obama suggested the United States was somehow burdened by its military might.

Being a superpower ain't all that, at least according to President Obama.

In a little-noticed remark at the close of the two-day nuclear security summit in Washington, D.C., this week, President Obama suggested the United States
is somehow burdened by its military might -- a comment that drew a stern rebuke from his former rival in the presidential campaign.

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What Do Other's Think Of This Remark

Barack Obama should be proud America is a Superpower -- Nile Gardiner, The Telegraph
Reagan, Obama and American Exceptionalism -- KT McFarland, FOX News
Obama Under Fire for 'Superpower' -- Dan Weil, Newsmax
Obama and His Administration Lament America’s Superpower Status -- Redstate
Obama: “Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower” -- Hot Air
Right-wing sites misleadingly crop Obama remarks on being "a dominant military superpower" -- Media Matters

My Comment: Conservatives and some Republicans are in an uproar. The main stream media is quiet. What is my take .... this is a very strange remark coming from President Obama. But he has mashed many comments before .... and I suspect that this is just another one.

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