Thursday, April 8, 2010

So They Sign A New START Agreement. What Is Next?

START Or Ending? Why More Nuclear Weapons Cuts Will Be Hard. -- Christian Science Monitor

The new START treaty, signed today, is a step toward a world free of nuclear weapons, President Obama said. But China's ambitions and Russia's worries could make future cuts difficult.

As he signed a new treaty with Russia Thursday that will reduce the nuclear weapons in US and Russian arsenals by one-third, President Obama called the milestone “one step on a longer journey” that “will set the stage for further cuts.”

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More News on Today;s Sighing Of A New START Agreement

Nuclear treaty would cut only long-range arms -- AP
Obama hails nuclear treaty as new era in relations with Russia -- The Guardian
Obama Hails Treaty as Mend to Russia Relationship -- CBS News
Nuclear Summit Must Convince Nations of Terror Threat, Experts Say -- Global Security Newswire
Obama, Medvedev need legislative approval for START -- USA Today
Unclear As Of Now if Senate Will Have Votes to Ratify New Disarmament Treaty -- ABC News
False START in the Senate? -- National Review
Lavrov Stakes Out Treaty Limits -- Moscow Times
New Nuke Treaty: Trust, but Verify -- The Danger Room
A Good START to a Safer World -- Huffington Post
New START and Nuclear Midnight -- Daniel McGroarty, Real Clear World
Our giant step towards a world free from nuclear danger -- Hillary Clinton, The Guardian

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