Thursday, April 1, 2010

A U.S. China Meeting Of Minds On Nuclear Issues?

Despite Strains, China Leader to Attend Nuclear Meeting in U.S. -- New York Times

BEIJING — President Hu Jintao of China will attend a nuclear security summit meeting in Washington this month, an indication that strained relations between the United States and China may be easing.

Until the announcement on Thursday by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, American officials feared that Mr. Hu would boycott the talks to express China’s displeasure over a series of recent diplomatic clashes, including a White House decision to sell arms to Taiwan and President Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader.

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More News On U.S. - China Nuclear Cooperation

China's Hu to attend nuclear summit in Washington -- AP
Chinese Leader to Participate in Nuclear Security Meeting -- Global Security Newswire
Chinese leader to attend nuclear summit in U.S. -- L.A. Times
Chinese President Hu to Attend Nuclear Security Summit in Washington -- Voice of America
Nuclear summit -- UPI
News Analysis: China embraces summit diplomacy -- Xinhuanet

My Comment: Both sides are looking for common ground.