Thursday, April 15, 2010

Western Sahara, Another Failed African State/Region?

Why The Western Sahara Matters -- Commentary Magazine

Most Americans know little or nothing about the conflict over the western Sahara or the self-styled “liberation” group the Polisario Front (originally backed by the former Soviet bloc). The Obama administration and Congress are focused on other problems in the Middle East. But the conflict that has ensnared Morocco, Algeria, and tens of thousands of Sahrawi (natives of the disputed territory) refugees warehoused in camps in Algeria poses a humanitarian crisis and creates another hotbed of terrorism and the narco-smuggling that accompanies it.

Read more ....

My Comment: I remember following this conflict in the 70s-80s. After all of this time .... it is still a mess and nothing has changed.

Can the U.S. change what has been the constant state of affairs in this region for the past few decades .... hmmmm .... all the money in the world will have zero (if any) impact here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's hope that there is a resolution soon, and that things are not as bleak.

For anyone interested in a one paragraph overview of the Morocco-WS conflict - here's simple link:

Here's to hoping for a peaceful resolution.