Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Report That Outlines A U.S. Intelligence Failure (Christmas Bomb Plot)

Wide U.S. Failures Helped Airliner Plot, Panel Says -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday issued a sweeping indictment of a chain of failures at American intelligence agencies that permitted a Nigerian man with explosives sewn into his underwear to board a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day.

The blunders took place at every major intelligence agency and included computer glitches, misspellings and poor analysis, the committee said. Together, the failures meant that the Nigerian passenger, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was never placed on a no-fly list even though his father had warned American diplomats that he might have joined militants in Yemen, where the bombing was planned by a branch of Al Qaeda.

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More News On Recent U.S. Intelligence Failures

Senate Probe Finds 14 Failures In Christmas Bomb Attempt -- Global Security Newswire
Spy agencies faulted for missing Christmas Day bomb attempt, Senate panel finds -- Washington Post
Intelligence agencies slammed over Christmas plot -- Washington Times
US Intel Agencies Could've Stopped the 'Underwear Bomber,' New Senate Report Says -- ABC News
Senate details failures finding airline bomber -- Reuters
Report: Agencies failed to connect dots in attempted airline bombing -- CNN
Report: Intelligence Failures Let Christmas Bomber Board Plane -- CBS News

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