Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Iraq News Updates -- May 20, 2010

On Wednesday, Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (c.) attends a ceremony to reopen the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building that was subjected to an attack in August 2009, in Baghdad. Iraqi Government/Reuters

Iraq Foreign Ministry Reopens As Symbol Of Defying Terrorists -- Christian Science Monitor

Iraq reopened a rebuilt foreign ministry building in Baghdad Wednesday, just nine months after a major truck bombing. 'The best answer to the terrorists ... is to rise from the ashes again,' said Iraq's Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki officially reopened Iraq’s bombed foreign ministry on Wednesday in what foreign and Iraqi diplomats said was proof that the country would not be defeated by truck bombs or terrorists.

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More News On Iraq

On Anniversary Of 'Black Wednesday,' Iraq's Foreign Affairs Ministry Reopens -- NPR
Iraq’s Maliki Vows to End Infiltration of Forces by Militants -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Iraqi Court Supports Barred Candidates -- New York Times
Allawi ahead, but falls behind -- Asia Times
Iraq election recount battle over, now comes the hard part -- Christian Science Monitor
Q&A: Iraq had elections, so why isn't there a new government? -- Miami Herald

Killing Taints Iraqi Kurdistan’s Image -- New York Times
Kurdish Iraq: An Emerging Success -- CBS

Eight killed in Iraq violence -- AFP
New al-Qaida in Iraq chief vows blood-soaked days -- AP

British Inquiry Into Iraq War Heads to U.S. -- Global Security Newswire
Iraq inquiry panel visits the US -- BBC
UK Iraq inquiry to question officials in US -- AP

US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,397 -- AP

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