Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Afghanistan War News Updates -- June 2, 2010

Taliban Attacks Shake Afghan Peace Gathering -- New York Times

KABUL, Afghanistan — As rockets landed nearby and suicide attackers detonated explosives, President Hamid Karzai opened a national consultative peace assembly on Wednesday morning with the goal of winning popular backing for his plan to persuade Taliban and insurgent foot soldiers to stop fighting.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks, and the authorities said at least three suicide bombers were involved.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

Explosions, gun battle break out near peace meeting in Afghanistan -- CNN
Gunfight, Explosions Rock Afghan Peace Conference -- Voice of America
Taliban attacks peace Afghanistan Jirga -- UPI
Suicide bombers try to disrupt start of Afghan peace meeting -- Washington Post
Afghanistan Taliban attack Hamid Karzai's 'peace jirga' -- Christian Science Monitor
Rocket attacks blight start of Kabul peace jirga -- BBC
Taleban suicide squad attacks peace talks in Kabul -- Times Online
Suicide squad targets Afghan 'peace jirga' -- AFP
Afghanistan warlord Hekmatyar shuns peace jirga but offers own deal -- Christian Science Monitor
For Karzai, Afghan peace meeting is key chance to regain political legitimacy -- Washington Post
Afghanistan's jirga, a centuries-old institution -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Afghan opposition leader Abdullah Abdullah vows to boycott 'peace jirga' -- The Guardian

Denmark loses first woman soldier in Afghanistan -- Copenhagen Post
First female Danish soldier killed in Afghanistan -- M&C
Troops capture Taliban 'governor' after killing ex-gov -- CNN
UK marine killed in Afghanistan -- BBC
US military suspends refueling at vital Kyrgyz base -- AFP
Newest manned spy plane scores points in war effort -- USA Today
Afghan Police Earn Poor Grade for Marja Mission -- New York Times

First hearing begins for detainees held by US forces in Afghanistan -- FOX News
First Hearing Opens for Afghans Detained by US -- New York Times/AP

Strategy vs. Tactics in Afghanistan -- Ann Marlowe, Wall Street Journal

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