Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is An Israeli - Lebanon War Inevitable?

Destruction from the last Israel - Lebanon War

UN Peacekeepers Conduct Evacuation Drill As Israel-Lebanon War Looms -- World Tribune

NICOSIA — The United Nations peacekeeping force has conducted an evacuation exercise from Lebanon in case of war with Israel.

Over the last two months, the UN has warned of increasing tension along the Israeli-Lebanese border, including Israeli overflights and Iranian weapons shipments to Lebanon from neighboring Syria.

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More News On The Growing Tensions Between Israel And Lebanon

Lebanese Army Fired on Israeli Warplanes Over South of Country -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Lebanon fires on Israeli warplanes: security official -- AFP
Israeli planes buzz south, Lebanon says -- UPI
LAF fires at Israeli warplanes in south -- The Daily Star
Israel carries out mock air raids on south Lebanon -- The Daily Star
Israel Tells Lebanon How It Will Be Destroyed -- Strategy Page
Another Middle East War on the Horizon -- Joshua Gleis, Huffington Post

1 comment:

fred lapides said...

How thoughtful of the UN to warn of increasing tensions along the Israeli-Lebanon border. Isn't that the region they were placed in to make sure Hezbollah did not re-arm, and the same area that Syria is now sending rockets into?