Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mexican Drug Gangs Now Control Parts Of Arizona

Mexican Gangs Maintain Permanent Lookout Bases In Hills Of Arizona -- FOX News

Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents tell Fox News.

The scouts are supplied by drivers who bring them food, water, batteries for radios -- all the items they need to stay in the wilderness for a long time.

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My Comment: The Border Patrol must be completely demoralized with the border enforcement policies that are coming out of Washington .... policies in which vast sections of U.S. territory are now becoming safe havens for drug gangs. Coupled this with the Justice Department and their political masters choosing to ignore or downplay the implications from these border enforcement trends, we now have a recipe for a massive influx of Mexican narco soldiers and the drugs that they carry.

On a side note, Mexico decides to sue Arizona for their immigration law.

Update: AZ Cops Threatened by Drug Cartel Snipers at Border -- Breitbart

Update #2: Mexican Drug Cartel Warns Police Officers in Arizona Border Town to 'Look the Other Way' -- FOX News

1 comment:

tony loiacono said...

Mexican Gangs Have Easy USA Access Day & Night – San Miguel Gate on Tohono Indian Reservation Has Been Easy Access For 100′s Of Years (TeaPartyHD.com)

Mexican Gangs Have Easy USA Access Day & Night – San Miguel Gate on Tohono Indian Reservation Has Been Easy Access For 100′s Of Years.

The Mexican Gangs have set up bases in the USA, but the real story is how open the border is for daily supplies that run day and night for Mexican Gangs in the USA. This 75 mile stretch of US Border, in this remote location as large as the State of Connecticut, on the Tohono Reservation extends to the Goldwater Gunnery Range at Gila Bend. But, on the Tohono Indian Reservation, a five-strand barbed-wire fence is all that separates the United States and Mexico in this remote southeastern corner of America’s second-largest Indian nation. The US Border Patrolhas had limited U.S. law enforcement is checking documents as people move back and forth at a crossing.

Now this steel cattle guard, known as the San Miguel Gate is running like a open water line. Tohono O’odham tribal police are frustrated due to Mexican Gangs paying unemployed Tohono Indians smuggling fees for the 45 minute truck across the border. In addition, in the Sonora Desert region the mountains provide a lookout now on the US side for these gangs.

More available at teapartyhd.com & teapartyhd.com/blog