Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Soldier In Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt

From Mother Jones:

Capt. Michael Clauer's homeowners' association foreclosed on his family's $300,000 house and sold it for $3,500.

Michael Clauer is a captain in the Army Reserve who commanded over 100 soldiers in Iraq. But while he was fighting for his country, a different kind of battle was brewing on the home front. Last September, Michael returned to Frisco, Texas, to find that his homeowners' association had foreclosed on his $300,000 house—and sold it for $3,500. This story illustrates the type of legal quagmire that can get out of hand while soldiers are serving abroad and their families are dealing with the stress of their deployment. And fixing the mess isn't easy.

Read more ....

My Comment: Yes .... I know the story is coming from Mother Jones, but other news agencies are reporting the same story.

More News On Michael Clauer Losing His Home While Serving In Iraq

U.S. Soldier In Iraq Loses Home Over Unpaid $800 HOA Fee -- NPR
Iraq Soldier Loses Home After His NEIGHBORS Foreclosed On Him Over $800 Debt -- Business Insider
National Guard vows to 'not leave behind' officer who lost home to HOA -- WFAA

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