Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yo Go To War With What You Have

Scimitar Tank. Photo from The BBC

Scimitar Tank Used In Afghanistan Is 'Past It's Sell-By Date', Warns Most Decorated Soldier -- The Telegraph

The Army’s most decorated serving soldier has condemned a four-decade old tank being used in Afghanistan as a vulnerable “problem vehicle”.

Warrant Officer Mick Flynn, who holds the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, the second highest award for bravery, said the Scimitar light tank was becoming so worn out that its gun often jammed and it frequently broke down.

The soldier, who was also awarded Military Cross for extraordinary heroism in Afghanistan, told The Daily Telegraph that the Army “desperately needed a new reconnaissance vehicle to bring us into the 21st century”.

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My Comment: Another example on how much the British military has been degraded in the past two decades.

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