Friday, July 23, 2010

Britain Had It's Own Secret Rendition Program

Uncovered: Britain's Secret Rendition Programme -- The Independent

Until now, this country has been guilty only by association in the illegal transfer of prisoners. But the covert rendition of a Moroccan man by MI5 agents suggests that the practice was central to Britain's 'war on terror'.

MI5 was directly involved in the rendition of a Moroccan national, illegally taken from a Belgian prison to work for Britain's Security Services in London, an investigation by The Independent has discovered.

The man, now aged 29 and who cannot be named for his own safety, was secretly transferred from a Brussels jail in April 2004 and then further held and interrogated by senior MI5 officers at a secret base near London.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is only one case, but one wonders if there are more cases that are waiting to be exposed.

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