Saturday, July 24, 2010

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 24, 2010

Su-35 multi-role strike fighter. RIA Novosti. Anton Denisov

Russia To Keep 2nd Place In Fighter Jet Exports Until 2013 -- RIA Novosti

Russia will most likely continue holding a second place on the global market of new multirole fighter jets until at least 2013, a Russian arms trade expert said.

"We are expecting a significant growth of this [fighter jet] market segment both in terms of quantity [68%] and revenues [91%] until 2013 compared to the previous four years [2006-2009]," Igor Korotchenko, head of a Moscow-based think tank on the international arms trade, told reporters on Wednesday.

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Sea Links -- New Wars

7 U.S. warships on fiscal 2011 inactive ship list
-- Navy Times

New Ammo Slashes Machine Gun Weight --

U.S. Wants Southeast Asia to Press Myanmar Over Nuke Worries - -Global Security Newswire

U.S. Navy Marks 50th Anniversary Of First Submerged Launch Of Fleet Ballistic Missile -- Space Daily

Hunter-Killer Ops in the Littorals‏ -- Information Dissemination

The True Cost Of War -- Strategy Page

U.S. Army Studies Options for Future Force -- Defense News

Army Says Farewell To General McChrystal -- Danger Room

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