Saturday, July 24, 2010

The U.K. And Scotland Reluctant To Explain Lockerbie Release

Controversial: Abdelbaset al-Megrahi landing in Libya after he
was released from jail last year. Photo from The Daily Mail

US And UK Locked In Standoff Over Senate's Lockerbie Investigation -- The Guardian

Unease in Britain over Americans' request for Jack Straw and Scottish minister Kenny MacAskill to testify in Washington

Britain and the US are locked in a standoff over Lockerbie after a Scottish minister flatly turned down a request to appear before a Senate committee and Jack Straw expressed unease about attending.

Days after David Cameron tried to ease transatlantic tensions by announcing a Whitehall review of the Lockerbie papers, Straw said it would be "highly unusual" to expect a British MP to answer in Washington for decisions made in London.

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More News On The Unwillingness From The U.K. And Scotland On A Lockerbie Probe

US Senate to probe possible links between BP and the release of the Lockerbie bomber -- Deutsche Welle
Anger over Scottish justice minister's Lockerbie inquiry snub -- The Guardian
Scotland snubs US over Lockerbie probe -- The Age
UK's Straw stalls over US Senate Lockerbie invite -- Reuters
Scottish Ministers Skip US Lockerbie Hearing -- The Telegraph
Scots will not attend US hearing on Lockerbie bomber -- BBC
'This is highly unusual': Straw's verdict as U.S. Senate 'invites' him for questioning at Lockerbie bomber hearing -- The Daily Mail
Scots Defend Lockerbie Convict’s Release -- The Telegraph
More Twists in the Lockerbie Bomber Saga -- Newsweek
The Lockerbie Bombing: A black cloud on the horizon for Anglo-American relations? -- the Economist

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