Friday, July 23, 2010

U.K. Defense Minister Admits That Britain Does Not Have The Cash To Defend Itself From Every Threat

Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary Photo: CHRISTOPHER PLEDGER

Britain No Longer Has The Cash To Defend Itself From Every Threat, Says Liam Fox -- The Telegraph

Britain cannot afford to protect itself against all potential threats to its security, Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, has warned.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Dr Fox said the dire state of the public finances meant the Armed Forces could no longer be equipped to cover every conceivable danger.

Since the Second World War, the nation has maintained a force that can conduct all-out warfare, counter-insurgencies such as in Afghanistan or medium scale campaigns like the Falklands or Sierra Leone.

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My Comment: I call this a hard dose of realism. The U.K. has other priorities .... and the defense of the country has to be focused on real threats and not on hypothetical ones.

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