Monday, August 9, 2010

9 Years Later, The Mosque Used By The 9/11 Terrorists In Germany Is Finally Closed Down

Police stand guard at the Taiba mosque in Hamburg. dpa

Hamburg Mosque Used By 9/11 Plotters Is Shuttered -- New York Times

BERLIN — The authorities in Hamburg said Monday that they had shut down the mosque there where several of the hijackers involved in the Sept. 11 attacks had met because it remained a source of radicalization nearly a decade later.

The Masjid Taiba mosque, known at the time of the hijackings in 2001 as Al Quds mosque, was “closed effective immediately,” according to a statement by the Hamburg Interior Ministry.

Read more ....

More News On The Closing Of The "9/11" Mosque

German mosque used by Sept. 11 attackers shut down -- AP
Germany shuts down Hamburg mosque linked to 9/11 -- Reuters
Germany shut 9/11 plotters mosque -- Sydney Morning Herald/AFP
Germany shuts 9/11 plotters' mosque in Hamburg -- BBC
Hamburg Officials Raid Alleged Islamist Recruiting Site -- Spiegel Online
Hamburg shuts down mosque known as meeting place for 9/11 hijackers -- CNN
Germany closes mosque linked to 9/11 attacks -- Financial Times
Mosques and Radicals -- Jacob Heilbrunn, National Interest
It only took them 9 years to shut down Hamburg mosque where 9/11 plotter Atta worshiped -- Rick Moran, American Thinker

My Comment: After 9 years .... with even Hamburg authorities admitting that this mosque was used as a recruiting tool for Islamic radicals .... they have made the decision to shut them down.

To say that this is completely unbelievable is an understatement.


Mark said...

what is so unbelievable? It takes certain other countries 9+ years to find Osama :) 9+ years to build a new building where the WTC used to be... you cannot really be surprised by the "speed" of democracy? :)

WNU Editor said...

You are so right Mark.

Michelle said...

Well done!!! Germany continue closing mosques that promote hate and terrorism. Hope this should teach a lesson to US.