Monday, August 9, 2010

Are Afghanistan's Special Forces Meeting Expectations?

Afghan Commandos, under direction of U.S. troops, practice checkpoint training at Camp Morehead. Meeks/News

U.S. Special Forces Train Afghans In Own Image, Success Could Lead To Troop Withdrawals In Region -- New York Daily News

CAMP MOREHEAD, Afghanistan - When two U.S. sailors went missing during an SUV excursion from Kabul last month, elite troops here were given a key role in the search.

The special troops weren't American. They were Pashtun tribesmen from Afghanistan's new commando force.

"For four days, every six hours, there were aircraft here taking Special Operations Forces - both ours and Afghan - away from here," said a U.S. Green Beret major who commands this base south of Kabul.

Read more ....

My Comment:
The Soviets tried this same thing when they were in Afghanistan in the 1980s .... and it all fell apart when they left. Will history repeat itself .... I hope not.

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