Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Afghan Security Contractors Undermine The U.S. Counterinsurgency Strategy

Afghanistan: Private Insecurity -- Kevin Sites, Global Post

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — When a commercial convoy hauling supplies for U.S. and NATO bases came under attack from Taliban insurgents in the western Zhari district of Afghanistan, the Afghan private security contractors hired to protect it responded by taking turns firing light machine guns from the hip — for almost three hours.

The barrage of rounds was shot so indiscriminately — U.S. soldiers derisively referred to it as the “spray and pray” method — that they were just as likely to hit innocent civilians, or their own men, as they were the Taliban.

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Hat Tip: Good Shit

My Comment: And some people wonder why we are having trouble earning the hearts and minds of the civilians in this country. Watching the above video will dispel any doubts on why we have the problems that we have.

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