Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is the U.S. Government Stupid? (I Know It Is A Rhetorical Question)

Obama Administration Now Asking Libya To Return Lockerbie Bomber To Prison In Scotland -- Rick Moran, American Thinker

Are they kidding? Like, Qaddaffi is going to break down and ship the terrorist Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi - released from a Scottish prison last year because he supposedly had less than 6 months to live - back to that same prison after making him a national hero?

What planet are these people from? Do they really think Kooky Qaddaffi is going to pull their political chestnuts out of the fire after they stupidly released Megrahi in the first place?

Read more ....

My Comment: When mass murderers like the convicted Lockerbie bomber are freed .... it completely undermines the public's trust and confidence in the state.

A year later, calls from the U.S. State Department to have the Lockerbie Bomber returned to prison .... now this only makes them look even more foolish and inept .... sprinkled with a heavy dose of stupidity.

1 comment:

Andy Lovas said...


When this horrible person was released, it concerned not just him, but the humanitarian release of everyone who has made a mistake.

Irresponsibly kill 200+ innocent people, you deserve to die in jail, no matter what kind of crud has affected you.

The government that let him go was wrong and itself needs to go. Forgiveness is a virtue. So is justice. Irresponsibly kill 200+ innocent people, you deserve to die in jail, no matter what kind of crud has affected you.