Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 11, 2010

Open Source Tools Turn WikiLeaks Into Illustrated Afghan Meltdown (Updated) -- The Danger Room

It’s one thing to read about individual Taliban attacks in WikiLeaks’ trove of war logs. It’s something quite different to see the bombings and the shootings mount, and watch the insurgency metastasize.

NYU political science grad student (and occasional Danger Room contributor) Drew Conway has done just that, using an open source statistical programming language called R and a graphical plotting software tool. The results are unnerving, like stop-motion photography of a freeway wreck. Above is the latest example: a graph showing the spread of combat from 2004 to 2009. It’s exactly what you wouldn’t want to see as a war drags on.

Read more ....


Beast of Kandahar Is Back in Action -- Ares/Aviation Week

Iran To Arm Own 'Bladerunner' Boats: Commander -- Defense News

Drama starting in the Australian Navy helicopter selection -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog

Royal Navy's Most Advanced Destroyer Sets Course Into Service -- Space War

Work(ing) on the Marines’ Future
-- New Wars

The Rush to JFCOM's Judgment -- Armchair Generalist

Lawmakers, Pentagon look at admiral numbers -- Navy Times

U.S. military 'robocopter' can see through trees -- Dvice

Army Wants Nanomissiles to Launch Small Satellites -- FOX News

Raytheon Wins USA’s GBU-53 Small Diameter Bomb Competition -- Defense Industry Daily

Night Vision Devices: More, Please Sir, and Quick -- Strategy Page

Report: CIA Doctors Violated Medical Ethics -- FOX News

New Poll Finds Most Oppose DADT Repeal --

How To Spot A Fake Veteran .... Not That You Wouldn't Know -- Stormbringer

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