Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Rare Look Into The UK's 'Cell Block H'

Photo: Northwood Joint Headquarters

A Rare Glimpse Inside The UK Military's 'Cell Block H' -- BBC

Once, it was housed in a darkened, secretive underground bunker.

Now, Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) staff have emerged blinking into the light, in a new HQ building that has been nicknamed - only half-jokingly - Cell Block H, for the endless staircases and corridors in the modern new building.

Set up in 1996, this headquarters brought together the Royal Navy, Army and RAF to plan and execute the UK's military operations around the world, although PJHQ still remains less well-known than its US counterpart, Centcom.

It is rare for journalists to gain access, and if the essence of a successful military campaign is secrecy, PJHQ has been doing a good job.

Read more ....

My Comment: One interesting website has documented all of Britain's "secret bases". That link is here.

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