Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rwanda Responds To The U.N.'s Genocide Charges

Rwanda Pushes Back Against U.N. Genocide Charges -- New Yorker

A draft report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights arguing that the Rwandan military may have committed genocide in Congo in the late nineteen-nineties has been leaked to the press. Le Monde had the first item on the report yesterday; the Guardian and the Christian Science Monitor had the longest ones. The U.N. has so far refused to comment on the leak, except to say that the draft is not the final version of the report. The Rwandan government has rejected the report, but not said much more.

Read more ....

More News On Rwanda And The U.N.'s Genocide Charges

Rwanda threatens UN over DR Congo 'genocide' report -- BBC
Rwanda Contests Report on Army -- New York Times/AP
Rwanda threatens to withdraw peacekeepers -- AP
Rwanda threatens to curtail cooperation with UN -- AFP
U.N.: Rwandan troops may have committed war crimes in efforts to end '94 genocide -- Washington Post
Rwanda dismisses UN report detailing possible Hutu genocide in Congo -- Christian Science Monitor
U.N. Congo Report Offers New View on Genocide -- New York Times

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