Monday, August 9, 2010

Rwandans Go To The Polls Today

Doubts Rise in Rwanda as Election Is Held -- New York Times

KIGALI, Rwanda — President Paul Kagame uses Twitter. He has lunched at Google. He started out as a skinny rebel fighter in the bush, marched into Rwanda’s capital in the midst of a genocide and then rose to make his country one of the developing world’s most orderly and crime-free societies.

There is no question that Mr. Kagame, 52, will be re-elected as Rwandans vote on Monday. The real question is how broad — and genuine — the support is for Mr. Kagame, one of Africa’s more incongruous strongmen.

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More News On Rwanda's Election

Rwandans Vote in Poll as Kagame Heads for Second Term
-- Bloomberg
Rwanda votes for president amid crackdown -- AP
Rwanda to hold 2d presidential election since genocide --
Rwandans hit the polls in presidential election; Kagame favored to win -- CNN
Rwandan Officials Promise Free, Fair and Transparent Election Monday -- Voice of America

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