Sunday, August 29, 2010

UK Secret Services Are Too Secret

Secret Services 'Must Be Made More Transparent' -- The Independent

The secret services must become more transparent if they are to halt the spread of damaging conspiracy theories and increase trust in the Government, claims a leading think tank.

A Demos report published today, The Power of Unreason, argues that secrecy surrounding the investigation of events such as the 9/11 New York attacks and the 7/7 bombings in London merely adds weight to unsubstantiated claims that they were "inside jobs".

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My Comment: If these agencies become more transparent .... I guess they will no longer be secret services.

The bottom line is that these agencies are watched and regulated by the politicians that we elect .... after all .... we give them the responsibility to represent us in the oversight committees that regulate the activities of these services, and they become accountable if things go wrong.

As to the assertion that transparency will help in eliminating conspiracy theories .... hmmmm .... this is something that I doubt will happen. Many people still believe that man has never walked on the moon, there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, that extraterrestrials visiting earth are real, that .... well .... you get the picture.

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