Sunday, September 12, 2010

EU Uncertain To Lift Its China Arms Embargo

EU Remains Torn On Lifting China Arms Embargo -- Defense News

BRUSSELS - Europe remains divided on whether to lift an arms embargo clamped on China in 1989 following events in Tiananmen Square, EU foreign ministers said Sept. 11.

"We discussed delivering arms to China but did not advance at all towards a solution or joint position", French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said at the close of two days of informal talks with his 26 EU counterparts.

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My Comment: If the Europeans want to lift the embargo so that they can do business with China .... this will be a mistake. The Russians had the same relationship that the Europeans want, and all that they got of it was a competitor from the Chinese when the Chinese started to copycat their technology.

I suspect that nothing will change in the EU embargo, but with China's military growing and Europeans needing business for their moribund economy .... pressure to release this embargo will only grow.

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