Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sould A Bomber Command Memorial Be Built?

The aftermath of the Dresden bombing

Dresden Mayor 'To Lobby Against Building Of Bomber Command Memorial’ -- The Telegraph

The mayor of the German city of Dresden has flown into London under pressure from fellow politicians to try to get a planned memorial to Second World War bomber crews scrapped.

Helma Orosz, 57, is officially in Britain to open an exhibition on the bombing of London, her city and that of its twin, Coventry, during the war.

She is under pressure however to get the memorial, which is to recognise the courage of RAF bomber crews, scrapped.

Read more ....

My Comment: It is amazing how .... after 75 years .... the Second World War still evokes strong emotions. My mother .... who is still alive and who experienced this conflict from the start in 1941 (she lived a few hundred kilometers west of Moscow) and ending by working as a 'house keeper' in a German General's Bavarian home in 1945 .... tells it the best. "We should always remember .... but let us not have those horrible experiences dictate and manage our lives today".

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