Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Sobering Report On The War In Afghanistan

U.S. Marines depart a checkpoint and patrol back to Forward Operating Base Geronimo, Afghanistan, May 30, 2010. The Marines are assigned to Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Mark Fayloga

Taliban Influence Grows In North -- Wall Street Journal

Insurgents Attack, Recruit, Adjudicate, Countering NATO's Advance in South.

PUL-E-KHUMRI, Afghanistan—The Taliban's influence in northern Afghanistan has expanded in recent months from a few hotspots to much of the region, as insurgents respond to the U.S.-led coalition's surge in the south by seizing new ground in areas once considered secure.

Taliban militants stop traffic nightly at checkpoints on the road from Kabul to Uzbekistan, just outside Baghlan province's capital city of Pul-e-Khumri, frequently blowing up fuel convoys and seizing travelers who work with the government or the international community.

Read more ....

My Comment: This was entirely predicted when the surge in the south of Afghanistan started .... the Taliban will simply go to the areas where coalition forces are absent. This is a sobering report on the war in Afghanistan, for it reveals that the Taliban are truly fighting a guerrilla style war, while we are more focused on surges and troop draw downs in areas where the Taliban have either melted with the populace, or gone somewhere else.

Read it all.

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