Monday, October 4, 2010

Are We In The middle Of A Global Currency War?

Guido Mantega, the Brazilian Finance Minister, said an international currency war threatened the country's competitiveness.

Capital Controls Eyed As Global Currency Wars Escalate -- The Telegraph

Stimulus leaking out of the West's stagnant economies is flooding into emerging markets, playing havoc with their currencies and economies.

Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, Russia and even Poland are either intervening directly in the exchange markets to prevent their currencies rising too far, or examining what options they have to stem disruptive inflows.

Peter Attard Montalto from Nomura said quantitative easing by the US Federal Reserve and other central banks is incubating serious conflict. "It is forcing money into emerging market bond funds, and to a lesser extent equity funds. There has truly been a wall of money entering many countries," he said.

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More News On The Fears Of A Coming Global Currency War

Currency war fears tinge IMF meetings -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Threat of currency war highlights rates issue -- Globe And Mail
Scary Times for Currencies -- Wall Street Journal
The looming threat of currency wars -- Live Mint
Currency Wars entering the "hot" phase -- International Business Times
Currency wars -- Financial Times
We're In a Global Currency War ... But What Does It Mean? -- Global Research

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