Saturday, October 2, 2010

Darpa's Self-Aiming "One Shot" Sniper Rifle Scheduled For Next Year

Snipers An Army sniper team in Afghanistan. Wikimedia Commons/U.S. Army

From Popular Science:

A sniper crouches near an open window and zooms in on his target, who sits a half-mile away. He peers through a scope and holds his breath, preparing to squeeze the trigger. But it’s windy outside, and he can't afford a miss. What to do?

A new DARPA-funded electro-optical system will calculate the ballistics for him, telling him where to aim and ensuring a perfect shot, no matter the weather conditions.

Read more ....

My Comment: One shot, one kill .... regardless of the weather. Now we are talking about the ultimate sniper weapon .... and one that (unfortunately) will end up being used against us.

Update: Army Signs Remington to Upgrade Sniper Rifles -- Defense Tech


RTLM said...

In my view its actually better NOT to have this technology - this convenience.

One less critical "hard" skill we will not master over professional enemies digging in grit, finding invention out of bare need. One more dependence on fragile technology.

Keep the skills.

/I used to change my own oil.

War News Updates Editor said...

God point RTLM.

Anonymous said...

I call BS on the "no matter the weather conditions". It probably takes temperature and barometric pressure and altitude into account, but these are minor influences in comparison with what's going on in windage. It can't know the proper windage, since the wind between sniper and target can't be known currently (maybe some day with super high res realtime satellites or an extra mirage reading sensor with the sniper?). Wind still counts a lot more than any other factor, ask any benchrest or match shooter. Elevation has generally never been a problem especially after the advent of laser rangefinders.