Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Frustrations With Pakistan Increasing In The U.S. Congress

Congress Getting Frustrated With Pakistan As A War Ally -- Washington Times

Casualties, stalls, protests create discord.

The closure of a key supply route for coalition forces in Afghanistan, a spate of attacks on NATO fuel tankers and criticism of U.S. drone strikes are fueling frustration in Congress over Pakistan's performance as an ally in the war against militants.

The importance of Pakistan's role was underscored last week when Islamabad protested an incursion by a NATO helicopter that killed three Pakistani soldiers by shutting off a supply route for coalition troops in Afghanistan.

Worried that this action could hurt the effort in Afghanistan, U.S. officials and lawmakers are pressing the Pakistanis to reopen the Torkham Gate route.

Read more ....

More News On Frustrations With Pakistan

U.S.-Pakistan ties increasingly frayed -- Dallas News/AP
Pakistan's Role in Afghan War Questioned -- Voice of America
Pakistan, US tensions spike after border closure -- AP
Key senator lashes out at Pakistan government -- CNN
Pakistani deaths in U.S. airstrike strain relations -- Mercury News/New York Times
The World from The Hill: Pakistan shuts key route as Congress OKs security aid -- The Hill
The U.S. and Pakistan: An alliance too crucial to fail -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

My Comment: As the war in Afghanistan intensifies .... expect even more vitriol (which in my opinion is justified) against Pakistan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When the history of America's decline in the new millennium is written, I imagine scholars will marvel at how much time and effort U.S. leaders spent trying to influence the behavior of enemies who seemed beyond the reach of our threats.... Iran is a case in point. It appears our frequent threats have served mainly to raise that stature of the theocratic Iranian regime at the expense of American credibility in the region....