Sunday, October 3, 2010

Intelligence Agencies Are Worried That Al Qaeda Terror Teams May Already Be In Place To Strike In Europe

Exclusive: Concern That Terror Teams Have Selected Targets, Ready To Strike -- ABC News

U.S. Weighs Travel Alert For Europe Because of Threat of Terror Attacks

Strong concerns that terrorist teams in Europe have selected their targets, completed their surveillance, eluded capture and are now ready to strike at airports and tourist attractions have prompted the State Department to ready a highly unusual travel advisory for Europe, multiple law enforcement and intelligence sources tell ABC News.

Intelligence and law enforcement officials have information that the teams could at any time launch a "Mumbai style" terror attack that targets civilians for death or hostage taking. The 2008 Mumbai attack used small arms and explosives to kill 175 people and paralyze the Indian city for days.

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My Comment: This is one of those situations where everyone is waiting .... and hoping that they are wrong in their analysis.


Anonymous said...

This is absolute Hogwash from Al-CIAda...

Anonymous said...

"'TERROR TARGETS' CHOSEN", State Dept travel alert for Americans in Europe..."Be vigilant... "
It's all over Google News, too. Looks like they decided to schedule more false flags very soon and are announcing it. That bad bin Laden guy (yes, the dead one) will attack Americans in Europe says State Department. Obama needs a distraction with all the bad polls, pending election disaster and those unfaithful lib'ruls demonstrating in his face. And Agenda 21 vows to get us out of the sky and stop traveling anyway. So maybe the next target will be Americans in Europe to prove all those points, as MSM says, who knows. Stay tuned for further lies from your utterly corrupt government....who pulled off the awful inside job of 9/11 in 2001....