Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jihadists Are Leaving Afghanistan/Pakistan

Handcuffed Uzbek militants in Pakistan in 2008. Tariq Mahmood / AFP-Getty Images

More ‘Jihadistans’? -- Newsweek

Taliban sources in Afghanistan say jihadist allies from Central Asia have started heading home. Though the exodus is being encouraged by relentless American drone attacks against the fighters’ back bases in Pakistan’s tribal areas, it’s not necessarily good news for U.S. forces. The dislodged jihadists aren’t quitting the battlefield; on the contrary, they’re expanding their range across the unguarded northern Afghan border into Tajikistan to create new Taliban sanctuaries there, assist Islamist rebels in the region, and potentially imperil the Americans’ northern supply lines.

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My Comment: If true, this is a significant shift in the international fight against Islamic extremists. The numbers involved are small now .... but like most of these organizations, their impact sometimes far exceeds their small numbers.

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